Lots of places on the web let you insert a backlink which is very valuable in helping to establish your site as an authority. A backlink is a vote for your website, from another site online. When another website has a link on it that points to your site, your site will be seen in Google’s eyes as an authority for whatever term you are linking from.
So, how do you create a backlink using HTML code?
Use the following syntax to create a backlink in a text file and when you upload it to another site, you will see that the text has been hyperlinked for the keyword you specify.
For example: 7 minutes school In your actual article, your code might look like this: One of the purposes of this website is to teach people about affordable SEO and to help them get their website to rank higher for their targeted keywords. Of course, the actual text that you see on the site, will look like this: One of the purposes of this website is to teach people about affordable SEO and to help them get their website to rank higher for their targeted keywords.
While many programs all you to point and click to insert your HTML links, knowing the syntax can be very helpful for those places that do not make it easy for you. Simply use the code above, insert your site URL and your keyword and you will create a nice link that, when you click on it, takes you immediately to your website. Create a lot of these backlinks on other sites and you will start to see that your site is ranking higher and getting more traffic.
For example: 7 minutes school In your actual article, your code might look like this: One of the purposes of this website is to teach people about affordable SEO and to help them get their website to rank higher for their targeted keywords. Of course, the actual text that you see on the site, will look like this: One of the purposes of this website is to teach people about affordable SEO and to help them get their website to rank higher for their targeted keywords.

While many programs all you to point and click to insert your HTML links, knowing the syntax can be very helpful for those places that do not make it easy for you. Simply use the code above, insert your site URL and your keyword and you will create a nice link that, when you click on it, takes you immediately to your website. Create a lot of these backlinks on other sites and you will start to see that your site is ranking higher and getting more traffic.
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